Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 9: Official Challenge 01/24/12

Great start to my morning and a great end to the day.

5/25 cardio routine on bike.

M1: EAS Protein shake
M2: 1 whole egg with 3 egg whites, 2 slices whole wheat toast with 1 tbl natural peanut butter and 1 banana
M3: 5 ounces chicken breast and 1/2 cup of Knorr pasta sides
M4: Cliff protein bar
M5: 5 ounces chicken breast and 1/4 cup of rice
M6: EAS protein shakeI noticed a pattern about myself.

I had a call I had to make at 10:00am for work so I had to ensure I woke up on schedule and got out the door as fast as possible to get in my cardio workout and be back in time to eat M1 and be able to make the call as scheduled. I did it! It made me realize something that I think is going to be VERY important for me. I waste WAY too much time and it takes me too long to do certain things. Therefore my production is at risk.

Usually when I schedule an appointment with someone in my job (I am an independent insurance adjuster) I always schedule it in the afternoon because I like to take my time in the morning to get up and get moving and start the day. I am always afraid I won't be able to sleep the night before and can use the morning to sleep in. However, there goes a lot of my day and it's so much less productive!I also noticed that if the purpose for me having to get up early isn't directly related to something that will help me, but is something I have set up to do with someone else and they are depending on me for it, it is easier to get up and do it. I won't do that for myself and that has to change as well!Here is an observation to ponder and something else I thought of on my bike ride this morning: If you are not settled and have things in order for yourself, meaning anything that has to do with you personally (your body, mind, clothes, schedule) you can't help your family and friends as effectively. You can't help whatever group you belong to as effectively (including where you work as a group). You can't be as effective in assisting mankind as a whole if you are involved in any activities that include this (working for human rights, a political program you may be involved in, etc.) The list could go on, but the bottom line is- you have to have your own head on straight (for lack of a better analogy) to be better able to help and assist the remaining people and things around you. So- it starts with YOU-TODAY-NOW.I am saying all this mostly for myself because I sort of feel like since January 2nd of this year I have been a bit selfish and ignoring some of my duties in the other areas I mentioned above. However, I am realizing I HAD to get some things sorted out for me and get myself going better, being happier and now I am spreading out into the other areas in my life that I influence and I notice that I am handling these a lot better and more effectively. -Jason

1 comment:

  1. Amen, brother. You have to be honest with yourself, it's the only way to get to where WE want to be. Your doing great and your blog will help you. I found myself reading mine over and over again to remind myself why I am doing this. I saw you post up fast food and I had the same issues for years and this is where it got me. What I found myself doing now is hitting a Jimmmy Johns or Italian deli and just getting a turkey sandwich with the works if I don't have the time. If you have the time, hit a family style restaurant, you can do egg white omelettes and ask for fruit instead of hashbrowns, I learned to tell them I don't need the toast. Another option for emergency food I use is rotisserie chickens, almost all grocery stores have them for about $5-6, and you could use them for the next day if you need to. I saw you were hungry at one time, but looks like you figured out your portions now. I was going to see say that definitely use your fist as your portion size, it seems like a lot, but that is what you need. If the food is off the BFL list, then you definitely need to pay attention to nutritional information. Stay focused, it's about progress, not perfection. Remember if you fall down, just get back up and move on.
