Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 8: Official Challenge 01/23/12

Today was pretty good. It was LBWO day and although I still need to figure out a good solution on being able to do lower reps with heavier weight, I at least kept it consistent and DID it.

I was able to work my hamstrings pretty well, I just need to do something more for my quads and calves. My own body weight on those two muscles are not quite enough. Crunches went well.

M1: EAS Protein shake with frozen strawberries and almond milk.
M2: 4 ounces hamburger on whole wheat toast and baked potato with salsa.
M3: Cliff Bar
M4: 4 ounces of chicken breast with 1/3 serving of Knorr Pasta sides
M5: Cliff Bar
M6: EAS Protein Shake

I am feeling very focused for the week. I was able to get a lot done today in a shorter amount of time than usual.For the last few weeks, trying to juggle work and this program has been a lot to get used to and manage. Now, it's all falling into place and this new way of eating and working out daily just seems to be part of my normal activities.

I am finding that in order to have time to get in exercise and healthy eating you have to make the time.


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