Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 13: Official Challenge 01/28/12

This is day number 13. I have to say that I am a bit disappointed after weighing in and taking my measurements. I will get to that in a moment though.

Exercise today:
I took the bike out for a 4.62 mile ride in 25 minutes. I was a little concerned at first because when I first woke up this morning my calves and quads were quite sore from my LBWO yesterday. However, I started my cardio slow to warm up the muscles before I started the official time on it. All went well. I feel that I did a really intense workout today, so I am happy about that part.

Nutrition plan today:
M1: EAS Protein shake
M2: 90% lean burger on whole wheat toast with lettuce and tomato, baked potato and banana
M3: Protein bar
M4: Undecided as of yet
M5: 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter
M6: EAS Protein shake

Ok, so I am going to post my measurements now. I have to say again that I am disappointed in the results from my 2nd week. I feel I did everything mostly right but I didn’t lose what I desired.

Here it goes:

Weight: Prior: 264 This week: 264
Neck: Prior: 18.5” This week: 18.5”
Left Forearm: Prior: 13.5” This week: 13.5”
Right Forearm: 13.5” This week: 13.5”
Left Bicep: Prior: 15” This week: 15.25”
Right Bicep: Prior: 16.25” This week: 16”
Chest: Prior: 48.5” This week: 48”
Waist: Prior: 50.5” This week: 49.75”
Hips: Prior: 44.5” This week: 44.75”
Left thigh: Prior: 25” This week: 23.5”
Right thigh: Prior: 25.25” This week: 24”
Left calf: Prior 18” This week: 18
Right calf: Prior 18” This week: 18

I realize I did lose some inches in some areas, but with the amount of body fat that I currently have it seemed that more would be coming off in the early stages. I would expect as I lose some of the weight and start approaching my ideal weight that it would slow down some.

The only thing I could really think that I need to change for the coming week is the amount of water I have been drinking. That aspect has been a little slack, even though it is more than I usually drink.

I am recommitting myself to a great week this coming week and I am going to work even harder to make this happen the way I want it to.



  1. Jason the mere fact that you lost inches and stayed the same weight shows you are losing fat and building lean mass. Do not get discouraged this is great progress! The more lean mass you gain the quicker the fat will come off. You may start thinking about 8 weeks BFL as is, but last 4 weeks doing the cardio tweak to maximize fat loss

  2. Thanks for the comment flatliner. It's funny because I know that instinctively, but there is always that desire to make it happen overnight you know. I realize that is not possible.
    Anyway, I will push through to the end and keep that faith in that once my body is ready, the pounds will also start coming off.
